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One-to-One Image Coaching
Our signature personal coaching services have been designed for individuals who want to develop their powerful corporate image for career success.

Personal Branding Coaching For Executives (Men / Women)
Are you seeking to strengthen and increase your executive charisma?
Colour Me Beautiful offers one-to-one image coaching to review how you present at your best and with your unique charisma in any occasion. We empower you to transform your executive look and reach your career goals through personal branding.
Dress codes should change for every stage of your career. It is crucial for you to know what to wear if you are starting an early career, getting promoted, or are switching careers. Enhancing your professional look with clothes and accessories that are age-appropriate and position fit, yet communicate a sophisticated and modern approach to dress. It represents you understand the workplace trends and suit in a way that you can exert your influence with multigenerational workforce. Clothes can be an effective tool to reflect the best version of you and to present in your best way for success.
Our signature Personal Branding Coaching service have been designed for executives at all levels who want to advance their professional presence, dress to feel more confident and to earn more respect in the workplace. We will work through everything relating to your corporate image. Sample agenda include:
Review your personal image , best colour, dress style, face and body shape
Identify your unique charisma and establish your professional brand through dress colour and styling
Create a personalised wardrobe using best colours that fit for your identified brand and your role
Learn practical business make-up, hairstyle and grooming tips
Learn effective body language tips for projecting your positive image
Action plan - the way forward
You will receive a 42-colour fabric swatch wallet to recognise the best colours for your outfits, accessories and cosmetics, and a personalised lookbook with your best executive style that fit for your role, your position, your face shape and body shape. You will also receive your own make-up and grooming guide for completing your professional look.
This personal branding coaching is fully customised for executives who want to enhance their executive presence for achieving greater career success.
Duration: Men: 2 hours / Ladies: 2.5 hours
Costs: Men: HKD4,000.00 / Ladies: HKD4,000.00
Details: Please fill out the Corporate booking form and our corporate image representative will contact you shortly.

Work Capsule Wardrobe For Executives (Men / Women)
Are you planning to enhance your executive wardrobe?
Colour Me Beautiful offers one-to-one coaching for executives to build their work capsule wardrobe — a limited number of essential pieces that can be combined to create many professional yet stylish outfits for attending different types of business occasion. This is a perfect wardrobe management solution for busy executives who want to save their time and resources.
This signature Capsule Wardrobe Coaching service have been designed for executives who want to enhance their work wardrobe with essential power dressing pieces. From boardroom meeting dress codes to business casual, smart casual pieces and accessories that fit for you attending various business ocassions. We start with a mini review of your current situation, your lifestyle, your position, your business activities, and the ultimate goal that you want to achieve. Then we will guide you what styles, colours, fabrics and outfits work best for you.
You will receive a personalised virtual wardrobe look-book with the perfect mix and match dressing ideas for you. In addition, you will receive a practical wardrobe management guideline and a list of your essential pieces to complete your professional wardrobe. This personal coaching service not only help you advancing your executive look, and organising your wardrobe with the best work outfits.
This executive wardrobe service is fully customized to your situation and to fulfill your specific needs.
Duration: 2 hours
Costs: HKD$3,500.00 ( HKD$1,500.00 for each extra hour)
Additional value-added service:
*Personal Shopping service is also available for executives who need our help on purchasing their additional wardrobe items, and / or for their special business events and presentations. An additional investment of cost and time is required for this personal shopping service.
Details: Please fill out the Corporate booking form and our corporate image representative will contact you shortly.

Professional Grooming For Fresh Graduates
(Men / Women)
Positive visual image and professional grooming help you outclass the competition.
Colour Me Beautiful offers one-to-one coaching for fresh graduates to equip them with practical soft skills for building confidence and enhancing credibility for reaching their career goal.
Entering the corporate workplace for the first time can be an intimidating move. In a corporate environment, there is a certain level of expectation of how employees should look, which is different from the experience gained in a school setting. Give yourself the advantage with a training focused specifically on these new skills.
An important part of this training will focus on how to incorporate your personal colour, style choices and the latest fashions appropriately into your office wardrobe that fit any business occasion.
You will receive a 30-colour fabric swatch wallet to recognise your best colours and a personalised executive lookbook with advice that help you establish professional presence.
This professional grooming coaching service is fully customized to fresh graduates for their situation and specific needs.
Duration: 1.5 hour
Costs: HKD2,500.00
Details: Please fill out the Corporate booking form and our corporate image representative will contact you shortly.
Find Out More
Are you looking for professional advice on how to advance your company’s corporate branding through image enhancement? Or if you are seeking to train your staffs on how to dress in a manner that can make clients feel more confident in your team?
Feel free to contact us with your requirements. Let us work together to achieve your goals.

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